Below you'll find a list of anticipated Frequently Asked Questions regarding CAPP. 如果您有以下未解决的问题,请联系注册服务 or 406-496-4256.

CAPP was created starting with the 2007 catalog. 如果您试图在CAPP中运行评估,并且我们系统中为您提供的目录期限是2007年秋季之前,则会出现此错误. If you intend to graduate from a catalog more recent than what we have in our system, you can change your catalog term by completing the Change Catalog Term Form. Once we process your catalog term change, you should be able to run a CAPP evaluation.

Also, CAPP was programmed for all AAS, AS, and BS degrees. Certificates and graduate degrees are not programmed into CAPP; therefore you'll also get this error if you're trying to run a CAPP evaluation and you're in a certificate or graduate program.

Additionally, CAPP不适用于护理预科的学生或学士学位后的学生(已经获得学士学位的学生). However, post-bacc students and students in Pre-Nursing can run an evaluation using the What-If Analysis.

当您从OrediggerWeb的CAPP菜单中点击Run a CAPP Evaluation链接并选择术语时, you'll see a summary of the information we have on file for you, including your catalog term. If the catalog term that's listed is not the catalog from which you wish to graduate, you can change it by completing the Change Catalog Term Form. Once we process your catalog term change, you'll be able to run a CAPP evaluation for the correct catalog.

所有学位候选人必须满足蒙大拿州理工大学本科目录中列出的学位要求,该目录在他们第一次进入学院或任何后续本科目录时生效,直到毕业, 前提是本学年没有缺课(不包括暑期学校), Internship enrollment, and field course work).

如果你想改变你的学位选择,或者增加另一个选择,你可以通过填写 Declare Option Form. 一旦我们处理您的选项声明,您就可以在您的CAPP评估中看到它.

如果你想修辅修课程,你需要通过填写表格让招生服务部门知道 Minor Declaration Form. 一旦我们收到处理你的次要申报,你就可以在你的CAPP评估中看到它.

If you're planning to substitute one course for another, you need to complete the Petition for Course Substitution Form. Once you complete the form and submit it to the Enrollment Services Office, we'll enter it into our student information system. Once it's in the system, you'll be able to see it on your evaluation.

Petition for Course Substitution - Complete this form to substitute one required course for another. 此表单要求您使用MyMTech登录信息登录(这与您登录菲律宾十大彩票平台大学电子邮件的方式相同)。.  If you don't know your log in, go to MyMTech 然后点击右上角的新学生链接来检索你的用户名和密码.

Prior to CAPP, course substitutions were only entered as a comment on your transcript. 现在我们正在使用CAPP,我们必须以稍微不同的方式将这些表格输入我们的系统. 我们确实为所有当前注册的学生确定了课程替换,并以新的方式将其输入我们的系统. 然而,对于一个如此庞大的项目来说,可能会遗漏一些内容. 如果你已经完成了课程替代表,而你在CAPP评估中没有看到替代, please notify Enrollment Services at or 406-496-4256.

CAPP只适用于在你获得学位的学校开设的课程. Therefore, 我们已经确定了所有目前注册的学生,他们在两个校区都上过课程,这些课程将申请他们的学位,并将这些学分转移到相应的校区. However, with a project of this magnitude, it's possible we may have missed some. 如果你在两所学校都修过课程,这些课程将适用于你的学位,并且没有反映在你的CAPP评估中, please notify Janet Friesz at or 406-496-4868.

As of the 2005 catalog, 如果你的任何一门课程的成绩低于C-,你将不能毕业. Therefore, if you have taken some courses that are required, but have received a grade below a C-, that course will not appear on your CAPP evaluation.

Also, CAPP pulls academic history from our existing student information system. If you took classes prior to 1990, your information is not accessible via our current information system.

Yes. 如果你的课程要求你修CHEM 1056,而你修了之后它改成了CHMY 141, 你会在CAPP评估中看到CHMY 141满足CHEM 1056的要求,因为这两门课程是等同的. 如果你发现一门课程没有反映CCN的变化,请联系凯西·威廉姆斯 or 406-496-4266.

如果你正在考虑换专业,并且想知道你已经学过的哪些课程将适用于你的新专业, you can do so using the What-If Analysis tool. Simply follow the steps in selecting a new major, option, and/or minor. If you do decide to officially change your major, be sure to complete the Change of Major Form.

Also, if there were significant changes to your curriculum from one catalog to the next, 您可以使用What-If分析来确定更改目录术语是否有益. If you do decide to change your catalog term, you must complete the Catalog Term Change Form.

您可以运行CAPP评估,当您点击运行CAPP评估时列出的学位, then you can use the What-If Analysis to run an evaluation on your second degree.