Debt Avoidance

In order to prevent the possibility of receiving an erroneous VA educational benefits check, promptly report any changes in your enrollment. Any withdrawal or failure to attend class may result in a status change and possibly create an overpayment. You will be required to pay back the overpayment immediately. The St. Louis Regional Processing Office will notify you of your payment options.

Prior Credit

VA regulations require that all previous education as well as military training and experience be evaluated according to the baccalaureate level recommendation in the Ace Guide and where applicable, be applied to shorten the program of education being pursued. It is the veteran's responsibility to ensure that official documents showing completion of all military education training, education and occupations be submitted to our office no later than the second semester of enrollment. Montana Tech Veterans Enrollment Services requires official transcripts from all prior colleges and copy of DD214.

No Payment Policy

No payment of educational benefits will be made for courses not counting towards satisfying graduation requirements, auditing courses or course for which the grade assigned is not used in computing graduation requirements. This includes a status change for courses from which the eligible veteran, dependent or spouse withdraws or receives a final grade of "W","U" or "NC" unless mitigating circumstances are involved in the withdrawal. You are required to report the last date of attendance for all courses you stop attending. Failure to report this date and/or mitigating circumstances will result in an overpayment beginning the first day of the semester. The VA will not pay for courses for which prior credit was awarded or for repeating a course already satisfactorily completed.

  • Enrollment must be at least half time training.
  • Requests for advanced processing must be received by the school at least 30 days before, but not more than 120 days before the beginning of the semester.
  • There is more than 30 days between terms and break pay won't be paid.

Advance Payment Processing

Veterans experiencing difficulties or deficiencies in a specific course may obtain a tutor. Any veteran or eligible person who would like to pursue fee coverage for a tutor through VA should contact Veterans Enrollment Services for the appropriate forms and information. The VA will reimburse the veteran up to a maximum of $100.00 per month for 12 months to a maximum of $1,200.00. To be eligible for tutorial assistance, you must be attending class at least half time and provide a letter from the instructor prior to the 8th week of the semester indicating that there is a deficiency and tutoring is necessary in order to pass the course. Please contact the Montana Tech's learning center on campus for a list of tutors.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

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