大家好,矿工们! We look forward to welcoming you to Montana Tech and the residence halls. We provide the following: wireless internet, community laundry facilities, 社区厨房设施, 前台协助, 安全锁, 烟雾/一氧化碳报警器, extra-long twin mattress and bed frame, 桌子上, 椅子, 梳妆台或大衣橱, 垃圾桶, 真空检查, 锅碗瓢盆结帐, 厕纸, 垃圾袋, secure hunting rile storage and locks, and of course – fun and support!

Below are suggested items you may want to pack for your time on campus:

  • 日常用品:毯子, 表, 枕头, 床下储物, clothes (don’t forget interview clothes), 闹钟, over the door full-length mirrors*
  • 学校用品-电脑, 学校用品, 台灯, 浪涌保护器, 计算器, 压力球, 日历, 背包, 拇指驱动器
  • Bathroom essentials - Shower shoes, 淋浴手提包, 浴袍, 洗衣服, 毛巾, 化妆品, 化妆品, 洗手液
  • Laundry essentials- Laundry detergent, 织物柔软剂, 漂白剂, 季度, 阻碍, 衣架, ironing board and iron or clothes steamer*
  • To help you feel at home: Photos, 墙艺术, 命令条, 房间装饰, 书, 游戏, 基本用具, 清洁用品, 零食, 水瓶, 药物治疗, 急救箱, 针线包
  • 业余项目:自行车, 自行车锁, 户外用品的, hunting rifle with lock (must be turned into Tech’s secure storage facility) swimming suit, 登山鞋, 等.
  • Some other miscellaneous items: Earbuds or noise canceling headphones, 演讲者, 伞, 挡风玻璃刮板, 超长手机充电器, 微波*, 冰箱(max 4.5 cubic feet), coffee maker*, television*, gaming systems*, fan*

To save space you may want to communicate with your roommate prior to arrival regarding who will bring the items with an asterisk(*)

一些物品 allowed include: Open coil appliances (electric frying pans, 等.), 高压锅, 克罗克电锅, 香, 蜡烛, 飞镖板, 卤素灯, 空间加热器, 烟花, combustible liquids and weapons.

请仔细阅读 宿舍手册 查看完整列表.


We would be glad to answer any questions you might have about the residence halls.

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