Welcome to the Montana Tech Community!  This page was developed to help get you started at Montana Tech and to teach you about our various student information systems.  You're encouraged to work closely with the department head in the program in which you're teaching to be sure that you're aware of the course expectations and student learning outcomes that are associated with the course you're teaching.  Also, please be sure to review Final Exam Schedule and the Academic Calendar for important dates.

Faculty/Staff Handbook & Handbook Acknowledgement Form

Your Montana Tech Email Account


Mid-Term Grades

Final Grades

Office Hours

Online Learning

Course Evaluations


Your Montana Tech Email Account

Log in to your email account.

All of our faculty have a Montana Tech email account. This is how we notify you when and for whom to submit 20th day and 40th day mid-term grades, when the class schedule for the following semester is ready to view, when final grades are due, etc. You can access your email account from off-campus by clicking on the email link in the top menu of any Montana Tech web page.

If you're not sure which college you're in, you can contact the I.T. Help Desk at 406-496-4244 or ithelpdesk@wolaipei.com.  Your college computer coordinator can also provide you with technical support for your classroom.


MyMtech Site is the online version of our student information system. This is where you'll enter mid-term and final grades for students.

Mid-Term Grades

All faculty are required to post grades for the following categories of students to MyMtech on the 20th and 40th day of classes:

  • All Highlands College Students
  • All Freshmen (Students with under 30 credits hours earned - you will receive a list of students in your classes who fit the category.)
  • All students enrolled in M 171 (Calculus) and lower
  • All students enrolled in Chemistry 153H and lower

Math, Chemistry and Highlands College instructors will not receive lists of students who required mid-term grades because they will be reporting all students in those specific courses.

20th day mid-term grades are reported as satisfactory (SAT) or unsatisfactory (UNSAT).  40th day mid-terms are reported as letter grades (A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc.).  After all mid-term grades are posted, the advisors are sent reports identifying the students that are struggling so they can contact them and offer their assistance.  This is one of our most important intrusive advising activities, so it's imperative that mid-term grades are entered in a timely manner.

To post mid-term grades, log into MyMtech and click on the Faculty Services tab. Click on Mid Term Grades, then select the appropriate term.  Select the CRN for the course you want to post grades for and click on Submit. You only need to select the appropriate grade for the students....the Last Attend Date and Attend Hours are not required.  When you're finished entering the grades, click on the Submit button at the bottom.

Final Grades

Final grades are due at noon on the first Tuesday following the last day of the semester. To enter final grades for your student, log into MyMtech and click on the Faculty Services tab. Click on Final Grades, then select the appropriate term. Select the CRN for the course you want to post grades for and click on Submit.

Office Hours

All faculty, including part-time faculty, are required to establish at least three office hours per week to assist students with any questions they may have. If you do not have office space on campus to provide office hours, we have Wimba available for your convenience.  Wimba is a web conferencing tool you can use to provide office hours virtually from your home computer. If you're interested in using Wimba for your office hours, please contact Kathy Stevens at kstevens@wolaipei.com or (406) 496-4837.

Online Learning

Montana Tech has great resources available for online learning. Moodle is a course management system that can be used to enhance the learning experience. This system can be used to supplement the face-to-face curriculum or can be used to facilitate classes that are taught strictly online. How much or how little Moodle is used is left to the instructor's discretion.  Contact the I.T. Help Desk at kb.wolaipei.com or call 406-496-4244.

Web Resources: Moodle 2 Help http://kb.wolaipei.com
Skype for Business: http://kb.wolaipei.com/moodle-instructor/Skype-for-Business

Web Resources: Help with Online Course Design and Online Teaching

Course Evaluations

All faculty, including part-time faculty, are required to have students evaluate their courses each time the course is taught.  You will receive an email via your Montana Tech email account regarding when your students will be required to evaluate your course. At the end of the course after grades have been submitted, you should expect a short review of your teaching from your department head.

Library Pages

The Montana Tech Library contains a wealth of information such as books, articles and journals; and fantastic search tools to help you find whatever you need.  Contact your department's librarian for assistance with research, library instruction, information about library services and collections, and any other issues related to the library. Your subject specialists are knowledgeable about the nature of the research and scholarly communication within the academic units to which they are assigned. They develop and manage collections and provide access to information resources in support of the curricular and research missions of the colleges, schools, and departments to which they are assigned.