教师 advisors are expected to help students select courses in their disciplines, advise students regarding the courses that best fit with students’ academic and career goals, and advise students regarding careers and opportunities for graduate study. 教师 advisors are expected to be available to advise students when classes are in session, 期末考试周, and for one week prior to the beginning of fall and spring semesters.

从2016年秋季开始你就可以了 登录MyMtech and select the Resources tab and then select advisor tools. This will give you a complete list of your advisees and allows you to email all, 几, 或者你的一个顾问通过outlook. 2017年春季,你将能够做到 在教程中访问顾问名册. 这些名单在整个学期都会更新.

Due to faculty’s teaching and research load it is recommended that advisors contact/meet with their advisees at least 1-2 times during the semester. 然而, it is considered best practice to contact/meet with your advisees at least five times during the semester (有关更多信息,请参阅建议的咨询日历).

The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) located in 工程 Hall room 102 offers a variety of academic support services including tutoring, 学习技巧, 写作帮助. 辅导时间表每学期更新一次. 数学系提供补充教学. The supplemental math instruction schedule is found online 每学期更新一次. 访问ACE网站,wolaipei.com/ace, 获取服务的完整描述.

Academic Probation means that a student has a cumulative GPA below a 2.0. Once on probation students CANNOT take more than 15 credit hours, MUST enroll in MT1016-College Success and MUST meet with Dr. Craig Elliott, Associate Vice Chancellor/Dean of Students 在学期的第四周.
  • 如果学生是第二次留校察看 and have already passed MT1016-College Success they MUST complete three (3) academic coaching sessions in the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) before the end of the term.
  • If a student would like to appeal a probation requirement 他们必须 下载/列印并填写申诉表格.

Students sometimes grapple with many different problems that affect their academic success. The Office of Student Affairs on campus looks into student cases where students have extraordinary non-academic pressures, 已经停止了. 教员也可以叫 副校长兼教务长乔·库珀 讨论学生辅导问题. 使用我们的在线表格报告有关行为.

FERPA regulations protect student privacy and limit how much information faculty can give out to parents. Explain that you will need to check with Enrollment Services to determine if their son/daughter signed a FERPA waiver. If parents know their student did not complete the waiver you can direct them to the Authorization for Disclosure of Confidential Information form.

联系迪恩·库珀 参加一对一的咨询培训课程.