Step 1: Employee

对于员工和他/她的主管来说,提交工作补偿索赔分为两步. The injured employee completes his/her portion of the electronic First Report of Injury (FROI) form. 当员工完成FROI的部分并点击“提交”按钮时, 它以电子方式提交给主管,以完成表格的主管部分.

Step 2: Supervisor

The FROI is transmitted to the Supervisor via e-mail, 指示主管使用一次性链接完成FROI并将其提交给校园索赔协调员. Once the Supervisor clicks the link, 他/她将输入他们的姓名和电子邮件地址,然后可以继续完成FROI的监管人部分. 主管需要与员工沟通以完成FROI.

When the Supervisor’s section has been completed, 主管必须点击“提交”按钮,并被指示打印, sign and have the injured employee sign the hardcopy; he/she then submits the original hardcopy with both signatures to the campus claim coordinator, Cathy Isakson. 雇员的签名授权医疗服务提供者向工人赔偿索赔理算人提供相关的健康信息. 如果需要澄清,理赔协调员将与您联系,并将表格提交给工人赔偿理算员. 您将收到一封电子邮件,确认索赔已提交给理算员.

雇员和雇主都应尽可能详尽地完成FROI的每一部分, including details on when, 受伤或疾病是在哪里、如何发生的,涉及到谁. However, the FROI should be completed and submitted as soon as possible for best possible outcomes; additional information not immediately available may be reported later.

For more information about MUS workers’ compensation, 参观蒙大拿大学系统自筹资金的工人补偿计划 or E-mail Cathy Isakson or call at 406-496-4380.

What's Next?

Claim Adjuster: When you submit the electronic form, 它被送到山间索赔公司的索赔理算员那里, 根据MT工人赔偿法,谁负责确定索赔的可赔偿性, managing compensable claims (paying medical bills, approving treatment etc.),并确保我们员工的治疗和康复过程顺利进行.

您将收到来自Intermountain Claims的邮件信息,其中包含工伤补偿福利摘要和其他与您的索赔相关的信息. 请留意那个包裹,并保留与索赔有关的所有文件. 如果接受作为可补偿的工人赔偿索赔, 与索赔有关的医疗保健和福利必须通过山间公司的索赔审查员进行协调.